
Brief von Michelangelo G. F. Fuortes von National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness an John C. Eccles an John Curtin School of Medical Research, 19.07.1955-13.11.1959Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, NachlässeNachlass John EcclesSignatur: 2AU-2529


Brief von Michelangelo G. F. Fuortes von National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness an John C. Eccles an John Curtin School of Medical Research, 19.07.1955-13.11.1959Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, Nachlässe ; Nachlass John Eccles

Signatur: 2AU-2529

19.07.1955-13.11.1959. - 24 Bl., Englisch. - Brief, Abhandlung

Eingeschränkt benutzbar.

Bemerkung: Organizing US visit and guest lecture:"Your lecture was excellent as usual [...] Apparently many people read your articles and books and are familiar with the essence of your work. Unfortunately the discussion was not well run. Some of the remarks from the audience were rather stupid, and others were presented with an unpleasant attitude, and I wish to apologize for this.[...]"Request for Pre-review of papers and discussion;request for information about humane treatment of laboratory animals.

Objekteigenschaften: Handschrift

Pfad: Nachlass John Eccles / Korrespondenz

[1274 (Inventarnummer)]


Erfassung: 9. Juni 2013 ; Modifikation: 9. Juni 2013 ; Synchronisierungsdatum: 2024-03-29T13:22:50+01:00