Press Releases / Presseveröffentlichungen Archiv der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Nachlass Werner Heisenberg Signatur: III/93/554/151-290
Press Releases / Presseveröffentlichungen Archiv der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft ; Nachlass Werner Heisenberg
Signatur: III/93/554/151-290; Mappe 2
Genève, Geneva, 11.09.1958-07.11.1960. - 70 Bl. (93 gedr./masch. S.), Englisch Französisch. - Herausgeber , Mitteilung
Inhaltsangabe: CERN, Genève, 07.11.1960: CERN receives 19 tons of electronic equipment / Le CERN recoit 19 tonnes de materiel électronique [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Genève, 04.11.1960: Professor V. Weisskopf at CERN / Le Prof. V. Weisskopf au CERN [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Genève, 28.10.1960: Broadcasting comes to CERN / La radiodiffusion au CERN [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 18.07.1960: International nuclear research / Recherche nucleaire internationale [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 11.07.1960: J.B. Adams appointed director-general of CERN [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 05.07.1960: Roentgen prize to CERN [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 15.06.1960: The 16th session of the council of CERN [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 14.06.1960: Inauguration at CERN of the “Pauli Memorial Room” [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 03.05.1960: [J.B. Adams] [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 29.04.1960: Tribute to the memory of Professor C.J. Bakker [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 28.04.1960: 28 April 1960 – Prince Philip’s visit to CERN [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Genève, 27.04.1960: Professeur C.J. Bakker / Professor C.J. Bakker [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 25.04.1960: H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh at CERN [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 21.02.1960: Jack Redpath MacCabe [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 24.04.1960: Professor C.J. Bakker [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 12.02.1960: Speech delivered by Professor Niels Bohr on the occasion of the inauguration of the CERN proton synchrotron on 5 february, 1960 [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Genève, 04.02.1960: Message delivered by Professor R. Oppenheimer on behalf of the council of the National Academy of Sciences on the occasion of the inauguration of the CERN proton synchrotron on 5 february, 1960 [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Genève, 04.02.1960: Message delivered by Professor R. Oppenheimer on behalf of the American Physical Society on the occasion of the inauguration of the CERN proton synchrotron on 5 february, 1960 [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 04.02.1960: Summary of Speech to be delivered by Professor Niels Bohr on the occasion of the inauguration of the CERN proton synchrotron on 5 february, 1960 [masch. Pressemitteilung; Dublette]. CERN, Geneva, 03.02.1960: Inauguration of the CERN 25 GeV proton synchrotron – world’s biggest “atom-smasher”, Friday, February 5 1960, Inaugural ceremony on European television networks [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 05.02.1960: Speech to be delivered by Professor E. Amaldi, on the occasion of the inauguration of the CERN proton synchrotron on 5 february, 1960 [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Genève, 05.02.1960: Speech to be delivered by Mr. Francois de Rose, president of council of the European Organization for Nuclear Research on the occasion of the inauguration of the CERN proton synchrotron on 5 february, 1960 [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 01.02.1960: CERN proton synchrotron inaugural press conference [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 01.02.1960: The CERN proton synchrotron – world’s biggest “atom-smasher”, background information for the press [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 02.02.1960: Inauguration of the CERN 25 GeV proton synchrotron – world’s biggest “atom-smasher”, Press programme [masch. Pressemitteilung]. Jentzer, Albert: CERN. In: Le Genevois 85(1959), Nr. 48, 30.12.1958, S. 1/10 [gedr. Zeitungsartikel in gesamter Zeitungsausgabe]. CERN, Genève, 21.01.1960: Professeur H.W.B. Skinner [masch. Pressemitteilung; Dublette]. CERN, Geneva, 22.12.1959: Half a million dollars to CERN from the Ford Foundation [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 03.12.1959: End of the fourteenth session of the CERN council [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 02.12.1959: CERN budget of 65 million Swiss Francs approved for 1960 [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 01.12.1959: Switzerlands gift to CERN [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 25.11.1959: World’s biggest atom-smasher, at Geneva, works for the first time [masch. Pressemitteilung]. CERN, Geneva, 11.09.1958: Crucial experiment with CERN 600 MeV synchro-cyclotron [masch. Pressemitteilung].Jentzer, Albert [Herausgeber]
CERN (1954-) [Herausgeber]
Bemerkung: Liegt in der Mappe: CERN Press Releases.
Objekteigenschaften: HandschriftPfad: Nachlass Werner Heisenberg / IV. Institutionen / 554. IV. Institutionen, 5. CERN, Presseveröffentlichungen
Erfassung: 11. Juni 2021 ; Modifikation: 26. Juli 2021 ; Synchronisierungsdatum: 2024-12-09T12:48:10+01:00