
DeLoach, Allen (939-2002)

DeLoach, Allen (939-2002)(21.08.939, Jacksonville, Fla. – 04.04.2002)

Herausgeber, Schriftsteller, Sozialarbeiter, Beatgeneration

Persistenter Link Kalliope:, 20.11.2019, Letzte Änderung: 20.11.2019 ;

Biographische Hinweise:

Member of the founding faculty of Empire State College, served as an assistant professor at the college for several years. Promoter of local arts and writing organizations, including the Niagara-Erie Writers and the Artists Gallery of Western New York, which he served as a director. As a writer, editor and publisher, he published about 40 books of poetry, prose, journals, anthologies and photographs.


DeLoach, Allen Wayne (939-2002)De Loach, Allen (939-2002)De Loach, Alain (939-2002)

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