
Juilliard School of Music

Juilliard School of Music(1926 – 1968)


Persistenter Link Kalliope:, 18.04.1989, Letzte Änderung: 20.03.2019 Wikipedia

Beziehungen: Institute of Musical Art, Vorgaenger, The Juilliard School, Nachfolger,

Biographische Hinweise:

Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst

was founded in 1905 as the Institute of Musical Art by Dr. Frank Damrosch. Augustus Juilliard died in 1919 and left in his will the largest single bequest for the advancement of music at that time. The trustees of the bequest founded the Juilliard Graduate School in 1924 to help worthy music students complete their education. In 1926, the Graduate School and the Institute of Musical Art merged to become the Juilliard School of Music.

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