
Copies of Rorschach test protocols with summaries by Hermann Rorschach Bern UB Medizingeschichte: Rorschach-Archiv Fonds Hans Behn-EschenburgSignatur: Rorsch BE 1 : 3:2


Copies of Rorschach test protocols with summaries by Hermann Rorschach Bern UB Medizingeschichte: Rorschach-Archiv ; Fonds Hans Behn-Eschenburg

Signatur: Rorsch BE 1 : 3:2

Rorschach, Hermann (1884-1922) [Verfasser], Weber, Arnold (1894-1976) [Verfasser]

1921-1922. - 10 items, Deutsch. - Handschrift

Inhaltsangabe: Typewritten copies of 10 protocols including Rorschach's summaries. On separate sheets there are scorings in Behn-Eschenburg's handwriting. (Katalogeintrag in swisscollections)

Bemerkung: In 1921 and 1922 Arnold Weber tested 12 persons from his circle of friends and acquaintances and sent the recorded answers to Hermann Rorschach who made for each of them an elaborate summary. Among the tested persons were professional musicians, writers, painters, a dancer and a pastor. The layout of the copies is different from those in Arnold Weber’s papers

Verwandte Verzeichnungseinheit: See also Fonds Arnold Weber, Rorsch AW 2 : 1

Pfad: Fonds Hans Behn-Eschenburg / Rorschach related material / Miscellaneous material


Modifikation: 09.08.2023