
Postcard with a comic drawing and signed by various persons to Hermann Rorschach from January 01, 1921 Bern UB Medizingeschichte: Rorschach-Archiv Fonds Hermann RorschachSignatur: Rorsch HR 2 : 1:15:21


Postcard with a comic drawing and signed by various persons to Hermann Rorschach from January 01, 1921 Bern UB Medizingeschichte: Rorschach-Archiv ; Fonds Hermann Rorschach

Signatur: Rorsch HR 2 : 1:15:21

Nunberg, Hermann (1884-1970) [Verfasser], Oberholzer, Emil (1883-1958) [Verfasser], Oberholzer-Gincburg, Mira (1884-1949) [Verfasser], Lüthy, Emil (1890-1966) [Verfasser], Grüninger, Ulrich (1887-) [Verfasser], Brun,Rudolf, Neurologe (1885-1969) [Verfasser], Epstein, Paul Sophus (1883-1966) [Verfasser], Rorschach, Hermann (1884-1922) [Adressat]

1921.01.01. - 1 postcard, Deutsch. - Autograf, Handschrift, Briefsammlung (Katalogeintrag in swisscollections)

Bemerkung: The drawing, probably made by Emil Lüthy, is signed by Mira and Emil Oberholzer, Emil Lüthy, Hermann Nunberg, Ulrich Grüninger, Paul Epstein and Rudolf Brun

Pfad: Fonds Hermann Rorschach / Correspondence / Letters from and to Hermann Rorschach / Rorschach's correspondence with various persons 1902-1922


Modifikation: 09.08.2023