
Brief von John C. Eccles von John Curtin School of Medical Research an George M. Austin an University of Oregon. Medical School, 10.02.1959-06.12.1960Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, NachlässeNachlass John EcclesSignatur: 2AU-2232


Brief von John C. Eccles von John Curtin School of Medical Research an George M. Austin an University of Oregon. Medical School, 10.02.1959-06.12.1960Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, Nachlässe ; Nachlass John Eccles

Signatur: 2AU-2232

10.02.1959-06.12.1960. - 12 Bl., 2 Beil., Englisch. - Brief, Abhandlung

Eingeschränkt benutzbar.

Inhaltsangabe: Physiologie im Nervensystem ZNS (MeSH D009424 Nervous System Physiological Phenomena)Refs. to Eccles, John C. and K. Krnjevic: Potential changes recorded inside primary afferent fibres within the spinal cord. In Journal of Physiology 149 (1959), 250-273 [1A-178]Eccles, John C. and K. Krnjevic: Presynaptic changes associated with post-tetanic potentiation in the spinal cord. In Journal of Physiology 149 (1959), 274-287 [1A-179]Eccles, John C.: Plasticity at the simplest levels of the nervous system. In James T. Culbertson (ed.): The centennial lectures commemorating the one hundredth anniversary of E. R. Squibb & Sons (G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York 1959), 217-244 [1A-174]Discussion of experimentation strategies, e.g. on hemisected animal model.Experiments on nerve crossing, nerve and muscle regeneration, mammalian nervous system plasticity. Laboratory details e.g. microelectrode forge, sorts of paraffin oil etc.; also by L. M. Davies, Head Technician Physiology Dept. ANU. Research on consciousness etc., cf. Eccles, John C.: The neurophysiological basis of mind: The principles of neurophysiology. The Waynflete Lectures, 1952 (Clarendon, Oxford 1953). [1B-a02]Writing Eccles, John C.: The mechanism of synaptic transmission. In Ergebnisse der Physiologie, Biologischen Chemie und Experimentellen Pharmakologie 51 (1961), 299-430 [1A-194]

Bemerkung: Travel plans, visiting professorship in Oregon etc.

Objekteigenschaften: Handschrift

Pfad: Nachlass John Eccles / Korrespondenz

[1126 (Inventarnummer)]


Erfassung: 19. Juni 2013 ; Modifikation: 19. Juni 2013 ; Synchronisierungsdatum: 2024-03-29T13:22:50+01:00