
Wave of Anger Sweeps World; Some Soviet Embassies Raided Britain and France Assail Invasion - Mrs. Gandhi Expresses 'Anguish' - 3 Arab Lands Back Moscow Universität (Rostock) / Uwe Johnson-ArchivNachlass Uwe JohnsonSignatur: UJA/H/504011: ZA 15


Wave of Anger Sweeps World; Some Soviet Embassies RaidedUniversität (Rostock) / Uwe Johnson-Archiv ; Nachlass Uwe Johnson

Signatur: UJA/H/504011 : Kasten ZA 15; Mappe 10; Blatt 15v

Britain and France Assail Invasion - Mrs. Gandhi Expresses 'Anguish' - 3 Arab Lands Back Moscow

Van Gelder, Lawrence [Verfasser],New York Times (Zeitung) (1851-) [Verfasser]

New York, 22.08.1968. - 1 Bl., DIN A4, Englisch. - Dokument, Zeitungsartikel, Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Bemerkung: dabei: 1 Kurzmeldung ("Wide Protest in West Germany")7 Überschriften ("De Gaulle Condemns Invasion; Wilson Calls It World Tragedy"; "General Accuses the Kremlin of 'Attack on the Destiny of a Friendly Nation'"; "Briton Terms Occupation of Czechoslovakia a Blow to East-West Relations"; "Rumania Warns Soviet; Tito Decries the Invasion"; "New Rift in Red Bloc"; "Invasion Tears Open Gap in Europe Comparable to Peking-Moscow Split"; "JOHNSON SCORES MOSCOW'S ACTION")

Objekteigenschaften: Handschrift

Pfad: Nachlass Uwe Johnson / UJA Handschriften


Erfassung: 11. Mai 2015 ; Modifikation: 11. Mai 2015 ; Synchronisierungsdatum: 2024-03-29T13:27:59+01:00