Online-Ansicht des Findbuchs Nachlass Hans Zassenhaus
4776 Einträge
- 2301
The measure of covering the Euclidean space by group-translates of a set
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 303
The measure of covering the Euclidean space by group-translates of a set
Budapest, 1991. – I, 36 Bl.. - Werk
- 2302
A generalization of the theorem in "Group rings over Z (p) with FC unit groups"
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 195
A generalization of the theorem in "Group rings over Z (p) with FC unit groups"
Sao Paulo, 1979. – Bl. 1-6. - Werk
- 2303
(Super)conformal algebra on the (super)torus
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 196
(Super)conformal algebra on the (super)torus
Coral Gables, Fla., Argonne, Ill., 1988. – 12 Bl.. - Werk
- 2304
Über zweifach transitive Dadegruppen
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 262
Über zweifach transitive Dadegruppen
o.O., 1974. – 10 Bl.. - Werk
- 2305
Verification of a conjecture of E. Thomas
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 198
Verification of a conjecture of E. Thomas
Strasbourg, 1991. – 5 Bl.. - Werk
- 2306
Dedekind domains
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 199
Dedekind domains
o.O., 1981. – 15 Bl.. - Werk
- 2307
Constructive lifting in graded structures a unified view of Gröbner and Hensel methods
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 202
Constructive lifting in graded structures a unified view of Gröbner and Hensel methods
Genova, Roma, 1987. – Bl. 1-41. - Werk
- 2308
A note [certain arrangement with a prime]
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 203
A note [certain arrangement with a prime]
o.O., 1979. – 3 Bl.. - Werk
- 2309
A note on the Pell's equation A(quadratic) - DB(quadratic) = 1
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 204
A note on the Pell's equation A(quadratic) - DB(quadratic) = 1
Kanpur, 1983. – 2 Ex.; 2 x Bl. I-III, 1-4. - Werk
- 2310
On the number of coprime integral solutions of y(quadratic) = x(cubic) + k
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 206
On the number of coprime integral solutions of y(quadratic) = x(cubic) + k
Kanpur, 1981. – III, 5 Bl.. - Werk
- 2311
Diophantine equations and class numbers
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 207
Diophantine equations and class numbers
Calgary. – 17 Bl.. - Werk
- 2312
On powerful numbers
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 208
On powerful numbers
Calgary, 1985. – IV, 12 Bl.. - Werk
- 2313
An FFT extension of the elliptic curve method of factorization [a dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics]
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 210
An FFT extension of the elliptic curve method of factorization [a dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics]
Los Angeles, 1992. – X, 107 S.. - Werk
- 2314
Computation of character decompositions of class functions on compact semi-simple Lie groups
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 212
Computation of character decompositions of class functions on compact semi-simple Lie groups
Montréal, Pasadena, 1984. – I, 42 S.. - Werk
- 2315
The Chowla-Selberg formula
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 217
The Chowla-Selberg formula
Urbana, Ill., 1983. – I, 27 Bl.. - Werk
- 2316
Infinite dimensional Lie algebras [a unifying overview]
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 215
Infinite dimensional Lie algebras [a unifying overview]
Saskatoon, Edmonton, 1987. – 26 Bl.. - Werk
- 2317
Toroidol Lie algebras and vertex representations
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 216
Toroidol Lie algebras and vertex representations
Edmonton, Bombay, Tokyo, 1989. – I, 30 S.. - Werk
- 2318
On the diophantine equation y2 = 4qn + 4q + 1
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 298
On the diophantine equation y2 = 4qn + 4q + 1
Iraklion, GR, East Lansing, Mich., 1991. – 34 Bl.. - Werk
- 2319
On some problems of Golomb concerning Costas and Sonar arrays
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 222
On some problems of Golomb concerning Costas and Sonar arrays
o.O.. – 72 Bl.. - Werk
- 2320
On powerful number questions
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 209
On powerful number questions
Calgary. – 2 Bl.. - Werk
- 2321
Areas, dominance and duality
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 226
Areas, dominance and duality
o.O.. – 15 Bl.. - Werk
- 2322
A note l-class groups of certain algebraic number fields
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 227
A note l-class groups of certain algebraic number fields
Toyama, 1982. – 13 Bl.. - Werk
- 2323
Bounds for discriminants and related estimates for class numbers, regulators, and zeros of zeta functions [a survey of recent results]
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 233
Bounds for discriminants and related estimates for class numbers, regulators, and zeros of zeta functions [a survey of recent results]
Murray Hill, NJ, 1990. – 2 Ex. (verschiedene Versionen); I, 28 S.;I, 32 Bl.. - Werk
- 2324
Projection successive minima of a symmetric convex body
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 301
Projection successive minima of a symmetric convex body
Budapest, 1991. – I, 10 Bl.. - Werk
- 2325
The Demazure-Tits subgroup of a simple Lie group
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 240
The Demazure-Tits subgroup of a simple Lie group
Montréal, 1986. – 59 Bl.. - Werk
- 2326
Sur le nombre des entiers sans grand facteur premier
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 275
Sur le nombre des entiers sans grand facteur premier
o.O., 1987. – I, 23 Bl.. - Werk
- 2327
Subalgebras of real three and four dimensional Lie algebras
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 244
Subalgebras of real three and four dimensional Lie algebras
Montréal, 1976. – I, 19 Bl.. - Werk
- 2328
Group representations in orthogonal noncanonical bases [resolution of the missing label problem]
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 246
Group representations in orthogonal noncanonical bases [resolution of the missing label problem]
Montréal, 1974. – I, 10 Bl.. - Werk
- 2329
The Diophantine equation ax + by = c in R(quadratic radical of 5) and other number fields
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 272
The Diophantine equation ax + by = c in R(quadratic radical of 5) and other number fields
Swarthmore, Pa., 1980. – 9 Bl.. - Werk
- 2330
On the nonexistence of a class of configurations which are nearly generalized n-gons
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 255
On the nonexistence of a class of configurations which are nearly generalized n-gons
Oxford, Ohio. – IV, 20 Bl.. - Werk
- 2331
Hall polynomials for the representation-finite hereditary algebras
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 269
Hall polynomials for the representation-finite hereditary algebras
Bielefeld. – 21 Bl.. - Werk
- 2332
[Turan`s lemma]
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 350
[Turan`s lemma]
Columbus, Ohio, 16.08.1974. – 16 Bl.. - Werk
- 2333
On the isomorphisms of integral group rings
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 282
On the isomorphisms of integral group rings
Columbus, Ohio, 1982. – Bl. 1-21. - Werk
- 2334
The Sturm chain [Computerausdrucke]
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 267
The Sturm chain [Computerausdrucke]
Columbus, Ohio, 1965. – 1 Mp.. - Werk
- 2335
Solution to American Mathematics Monthly problem E3376
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 253
Solution to American Mathematics Monthly problem E3376
Linz, 1990. – 2 Bl.. - Werk
- 2336
Minimal orders morphisms
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 259
Minimal orders morphisms
Aubiere, 1990. – 2 Ex.; Bl. I, 1-35; I, 1-36. - Werk
- 2337
[Notizen und Anmerkungen zu Wedderburn]
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 399
[Notizen und Anmerkungen zu Wedderburn]
o.O. [Hamburg], 1934 [o.D. [ca. 1934]]. – 16 Bl. (Heft). - Werk
- 2338
Action on Grassmannians associated with a field extesion
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 264
Action on Grassmannians associated with a field extesion
Columbus, 1990. – 30 S.. - Werk
- 2339
A note on class fields of quadratic fields
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 152
A note on class fields of quadratic fields
El Paso, Tex., 1974. – II, 22 Bl.. - Werk
- 2340
A proof of a C. L. Siegel's conjecture
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 108 A
A proof of a C. L. Siegel's conjecture
Hefei, 1987-1989. – 2 Ex.; 2 x 13 Bl.. - Werk
- 2341
General discussion of routines
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 287
General discussion of routines
o.O., 1967. – 42 Bl.. - Werk
- 2342
On plane geometries and particles-states
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 279
On plane geometries and particles-states
Berlin. – 14 Bl.. - Werk
- 2343
On solvable Lie ideals of a ring
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 283
On solvable Lie ideals of a ring
Kharagpur, New Delhi. – 2 Ex.; 2 x Bl. 1-4. - Werk
- 2344
On the existence of cyclic Steiner quadruple systems SQS(2p)
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 285
On the existence of cyclic Steiner quadruple systems SQS(2p)
Hamburg, 1989 [May 1989]. – 7 Bl.. - Werk
- 2345
Matrix representation of simple halfrings [research report]
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 291
Matrix representation of simple halfrings [research report]
Pittsburgh, Pa., 1973. – II, 30 Bl.. - Werk
- 2346
Nonlinear action of Lie groups and superposition principles for nonlinear differential equations
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 311
Nonlinear action of Lie groups and superposition principles for nonlinear differential equations
Montréal, 1981. – I, 17 Bl.. - Werk
- 2347
Products of polynomials in many variables
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 16 A
Products of polynomials in many variables
Paris, Princeton, NJ, Kent, Ohio, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1989. – 27 Bl.. - Werk
- 2348
An elementary constructive approach to discrete linear lp-approximation,0 ( p l +
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 300
An elementary constructive approach to discrete linear lp-approximation,0 ( p l +
Budapest. – 12 Bl.. - Werk
- 2349
On computing the discriminant of an algebraic number field
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 304
On computing the discriminant of an algebraic number field
Greensboro, NC. – II, 31 Bl.. - Werk
- 2350
Primality testing [Computerausdruck]
Signatur: Cod. Ms. H. Zassenhaus 23 : 305
Primality testing [Computerausdruck]
Columbus, Ohio, 1983. – 16 S.. - Werk