

Syntaxfehler in Suchanfrage: ead.origination.gnd=="11856224X" AND ead.class=collection, ead.unitid.index:(*:* AND -("S 1218; S 1911*; S 2165; S 2366 - S 2380; S 2381* - S 2384*; S 2385 - S 2402; S 2403*; S 2404 - S 2410; S 2411* - S 2419*; S 2420 - S 2421; S 2422*; S 2423 - S 2424; S 2425*; S 2426 - S 2430; S 2660 - S 2711")), 87

Ihre Suche nach ead.origination.gnd=="11856224X" AND ead.class=collection, ead.unitid.index:(*:* AND -("S 1218; S 1911*; S 2165; S 2366 - S 2380; S 2381* - S 2384*; S 2385 - S 2402; S 2403*; S 2404 - S 2410; S 2411* - S 2419*; S 2420 - S 2421; S 2422*; S 2423 - S 2424; S 2425*; S 2426 - S 2430; S 2660 - S 2711"))

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