
Brief von Carl G. Anthon von United States. Educational Commission in the Federal Republic of Germany (Bad Godesberg) an Bruno Snell, 1959Bayerische StaatsbibliothekNachlass Bruno SnellSignatur: Ana 490.B.III. United States / Educational Commission in the Federal Republik of Germany


Brief von Carl G. Anthon von United States. Educational Commission in the Federal Republic of Germany (Bad Godesberg) an Bruno Snell, 1959Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ; Nachlass Bruno Snell

Signatur: Ana 490.B.III. United States / Educational Commission in the Federal Republik of Germany

Bad Godesberg, 1959. - 2 BU. - Brief

Pfad: Nachlass Bruno Snell / Nachlass Bruno Snell / B. Korrespondenz

[10/86/3717 (Akquisitionsnummer)]


Erfassung: 11. Mai 2000 ; Modifikation: 9. Februar 2005 ; Synchronisierungsdatum: 2024-06-26T06:54:19+01:00