Detailed Information

Typewritten comments on a hypothesis about mystical enlightenment of Arthur Kielholz Bern UB Medizingeschichte: Rorschach-Archiv Fonds Hermann RorschachSignatur: Rorsch HR 3 : 13:5


Typewritten comments on a hypothesis about mystical enlightenment of Arthur Kielholz Bern UB Medizingeschichte: Rorschach-Archiv ; Fonds Hermann Rorschach

Signatur: Rorsch HR 3 : 13:5

1920. - 2 pages, Deutsch. - Handschrift (Katalogeintrag in swisscollections)

Bemerkung: Probably a summary of Rorschach's contribution to a discussion of a lecture presented by Arthur Kielholz to the Swiss Psychoanalytic Society.

Pfad: Fonds Hermann Rorschach / Scientific material / Reviews of books and journal articles


Modifikation: 09.08.2023