Detailed Information

Brief von John F. Fulton an John C. Eccles, 27.03.1951 [8.10.,8.8.,4.9.51;6.2.,17.1.57;20.12.,24.7.,24.4.,7.3.,16.2.,18.1.,8.2.56;20.,5.4.,13.2.55]-20.02.1957 [5.11.,29.7.,6.7.,22.6.,27.1.,4.2.54;24.11.,1.4.53;4.11.,22.10.,5.6.,19.5.52;11.12.51]Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, NachlässeNachlass John EcclesSignatur: 2AU-2047


Brief von John F. Fulton an John C. Eccles, 27.03.1951 [8.10.,8.8.,4.9.51;6.2.,17.1.57;20.12.,24.7.,24.4.,7.3.,16.2.,18.1.,8.2.56;20.,5.4.,13.2.55]-20.02.1957 [5.11.,29.7.,6.7.,22.6.,27.1.,4.2.54;24.11.,1.4.53;4.11.,22.10.,5.6.,19.5.52;11.12.51]Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, Nachlässe ; Nachlass John Eccles

Signatur: 2AU-2047

Fulton, John F. (1899-) [Verfasser],Eccles, John C. (1903-) [Adressat]

New Haven, 27.03.1951 [8.10.,8.8.,4.9.51;6.2.,17.1.57;20.12.,24.7.,24.4.,7.3.,16.2.,18.1.,8.2.56;20.,5.4.,13.2.55]-20.02.1957 [5.11.,29.7.,6.7.,22.6.,27.1.,4.2.54;24.11.,1.4.53;4.11.,22.10.,5.6.,19.5.52;11.12.51]. - 35, Englisch. - Brief

Eingeschränkt benutzbar.

Inhaltsangabe: Physiologie im Nervensystem ZNS (MeSH D009424 Nervous System Physiological Phenomena)ref to:Brock, L. G., John C. Eccles and W. Rall: Experimental investigations on the afferent fibres in muscle nerves. In Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character 138 (1951), 453-75 [1A-099]Brock, L. G., J. S. Coombs and John C. Eccles: The nature of the monosynaptic excitatory and inhibitory processes in the spinal cord. In Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character 140 (1952), 170-176 [1A-105]Brock, L. G., J. S. Coombs and John C. Eccles: Intracellular recording from antidromically activated motoneurones. In Journal of Physiology 122 (1953), 429-61 [1A-115]Bradley, K. and John C. Eccles: Analysis of the fast afferent impulses from thigh muscles. In Journal of Physiology 122 (1953), 462-473 [1A-116]Bradley, K., D. M. Easton and John C. Eccles: An investigation of primary or direct inhibition. In Journal of Physiology 122 (1953), 474-488 [1A-117]Eccles, John C., P. Fatt and S. Landgren: Central pathway for direct inhibitory action of impulses in largest afferent nerve fibres to muscle. In Journal of Neurophysiology 19 (1956), 75-98 [1A-131]

Sherrington, Charles Scott [Behandelt],Fatt, Paul [Behandelt],Liddell, Edward George Tandy (1895-1978) [Behandelt],Granit, Ragnar (1900-1991) [Behandelt],Curtis, David R. (1927-) [Behandelt],Landgren, Sven O. E. [Behandelt],Coombs, John S. [Behandelt],Lettvin, Jerome Ysroael [Behandelt],Pitts, Walter H. [Behandelt],McCulloch, Warren S. (1898-1969) [Behandelt],Boase, T. S. R. (1898-1974) [Behandelt],Devas, Anthony (1911-1958) [Behandelt],Livingston, Robert B. (1918-2002) [Behandelt],Hercus, Charles Ernest (1888-1971) [Behandelt],Dun, Fwu Tarng [Behandelt],Ruch, Theodore Cedric [Behandelt],Denny-Brown, Derek (1901-1981) [Behandelt],Dale, Henry H. (1875-1968) [Behandelt],Singer, Charles (1876-1960) [Behandelt],Granit, Ragnar (1900-1991) [Behandelt],Florey, Howard (1898-1968) [Behandelt],Chang, Hsiang-Tung (1907-) [Erwähnt],Adey, William Ross (1922-) [Erwähnt],Moruzzi, Giuseppe (1910-1986) [Erwähnt],Liley, Albert William (1929-1983) [Erwähnt],North, Kenneth Alfred Kingsley (1930-) [Erwähnt]

Journal of Neurophysiology [Behandelt],International Congress of Neurological Sciences (1. : 1957 : Brüssel) (1957-) [Behandelt],New Zealand-United States Educational Foundation [Behandelt],Australian Academy of Science (1954-) [Behandelt],Fondation Francqui [Behandelt]

Darin: Bericht von John C. Eccles an Howard Florey an Australian National University, [Nov. 1953] [Bericht]

Bemerkung: Correspondence mostly of an editorial character, mention of Eccles' trips to the USA in 1951 and 1955.27.3.51 Fulton has accepted the chair of History of Medicine, but will keep working in his lab as a honorary associate.Correspondence of 1954 contains several references to the founding of the Australian Academy of Sciences27.1.54 Fulton congratulates Eccles upon 3 recent papers in the Journal of Physiology (122, 1953): "From my point of view they are perhaps the best thing you have ever done because they clarify so many uncertain points concerning central inhibition and the passage of impulses through the soma of the spinal neurone"Correspondence of 1956 and 1957 contains frequent references to C.S. Sherrington's Centenary

Objekteigenschaften: Handschrift

Pfad: Nachlass John Eccles / Korrespondenz

[1033 (Inventarnummer)]


Erfassung: 12. März 2012 ; Modifikation: 5. März 2015 ; Synchronisierungsdatum: 2024-03-29T13:22:47+01:00