
[Manuscripts, articles, conferences]Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, Nachlässe ; Nachlass John Eccles

Signatur: 1D-956C

1945 [1978]-1985. - 300, Englisch. - Vorlesung, Werkstattpapier, Zeitschriftenaufsatz, Abhandlung

Eingeschränkt benutzbar.

Inhaltsangabe: Eccles, John C.: An electrical hypothesis of synaptic and neuromuscular transmission. In Nature 156 (1945), 680-682 [1A-074]Eccles, John C.: The effects of use and disuse on synaptic function. In Jean F. Delafresnaye (ed.): Brain mechanisms and learning. A symposium organized by The Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (Montevideo 1959) (Blackwell, Oxford 1961), 335-352 [1A-197]Eccles, John C.: The experiencing self. In John D. Roslansky (ed.): The uniqueness of man, a discussion at the Nobel conference organized by Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minnesota, 1968 (North-Holland, Amsterdam 1969), 101-135 [1A-339]Speech conf. Erice 1978 etc. Objekteigenschaften: Handschrift

Pfad: Nachlass John Eccles / Werke

[9411 (Inventarnummer)]


Erfassung: 1. Juli 2013 ; Modifikation: 22. Januar 2024 ; Synchronisierungsdatum: 2024-03-29T13:22:52+01:00