Your search query ead.addressee.gnd=="122769074"
6 records
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Schweizerisches Literaturarchiv (SLA) ; Archiv Christoph Geiser ; Signatur: SLA-Geiser-C-2-f-3-d : Kasten 122
Korrespondenz D, Basel; Berlin; Bern; Bützberg; Frankfurt am Main; Leipzig; Nidau; Solothurn; Turnbridge Wells/Kent; Wien; Zürich (Titel)
Dorfmeister, Norbert (20./21. Jh.) [Author], Draksler, Susanne (20./21. Jh.) [Author], Dubach, Gret (20./21. Jh.) [Author], Friedrich, Erika (20./21. Jh.) [Author], Kaufmann, Ueli [Author], Desax, Donald [Author], Geiser, Christoph (1949-) [Author], Dietrich, Annette (20./21. Jh.) [Author], Detela, Lev (1939-) [Author], Bilgerverlag; Diogenes-Verlag [Author], Druck-Service Bern [Author], Deutsche Bücherei Leipzig [Author], Draksler, Susanne (20./21. Jh.) [Recipient], Dubach, Gret (20./21. Jh.) [Recipient], Dinkel, Robert (1950-) [Recipient], Dinkelmann, Fritz H. (1950-) [Recipient], Bussmann, Rudolf (1947-) [Recipient], Hennig, Martin (1951-) [Recipient], Passavant, Rudolf von (1943-) [Recipient], Schlienger, Niklaus (1950-) [Recipient], Schmidli, Werner (1939-2005) [Recipient], Weibel, Jürg (1944-2006) [Recipient], Zingg, Martin (1951-) [Recipient], Desax, Donald [Recipient], Geiser, Christoph (1949-) [Recipient], Dietrich, Annette (20./21. Jh.) [Recipient], Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst [Recipient], Deutscher Schriftstellerverband (DSV) (1950 - 1990) [Recipient], Deutsche Demokratische Republik. Botschaft (Schweiz) [Recipient], Deutschlandfunk [Recipient], Diogenes-Verlag [Recipient], Dreyfus Söhne & Cie. AG [Recipient], Deutsche Bücherei Leipzig [Recipient]
10. Februar 1970 bis 18. September 1981. - 72 hand- und maschinenschriftliche Briefe und Durchschläge + Doppel und Beilagen, gelocht
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Schweizerisches Literaturarchiv (SLA) ; Archiv des Ammann-Verlags ; Signatur: SLA-AMMANN-B-4-a-DINK : Kasten 2/42
Dossier Dinkelmann, Fritz H.; Korrespondenz, Zürich, Heinrichswil (Titel)
Ammann, Egon (1941-2017) [Author], Dinkelmann, Fritz H. (1950-) [Author], Ammann, Egon (1941-2017) [Recipient], Dinkelmann, Fritz H. (1950-) [Recipient]
7. Dezember 1981 bis 22. April 1985. - Dg., masch., hs.
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Schweizerisches Literaturarchiv (SLA) ; Archiv des Ammann-Verlags ; Signatur: SLA-AMMANN-B-4-a-KUTS : Kasten 2/87
Dossier Kutsch Jahrbuch 1983; Korrespondenz, Alfermée; Arzo; Basel; Bern; Biel; Engelberg; Frankfurt; München; St. Gallen; Walchwil; Walenstadt; Zürich (Titel)
Flammersfeld, Marie-Luise (1949-) [Author], Ammann, Egon (1941-2017) [Author], Bachmann, Dieter (1940-) [Author], Dean, Martin R. (1955-) [Author], Lutz, Werner (1930-2016) [Author], Schafroth, Heinz F. (1932-2013) [Author], Schneider, Hansjörg (1938-) [Author], Widmer, Urs (1938-2014) [Author], Geiser, Christoph (1949-) [Author], Carl-Hanser-Verlag (1928-) [Author], S. Fischer Verlag [Author], Ammann, Egon (1941-2017) [Recipient], Zschokke, Matthias (1954-) [Recipient], Hürlimann, Thomas (1950-) [Recipient], Meier, Helen (1929-2021) [Recipient], Konrad, Marcel (1954-) [Recipient], Rakusa, Ilma (1946-) [Recipient], Schneider, Hansjörg (1938-) [Recipient], Burkart, Erika (1922-2010) [Recipient], Arlati, Renato P. (1936-2005) [Recipient], Meyer, E.Y. (1946-) [Recipient], Schafroth, Heinz F. (1932-2013) [Recipient], Meier, Gerhard (1917-2008) [Recipient], Lutz, Werner (1930-2016) [Recipient], Frank, Martin (1950-) [Recipient], Dinkelmann, Fritz H. (1950-) [Recipient], Dean, Martin R. (1955-) [Recipient], Burger, Hermann (1942-1989) [Recipient], Bichsel, Peter (1935-) [Recipient], Bachmann, Dieter (1940-) [Recipient], Weibel, Peter (1947-) [Recipient], Walser, Martin (1927-2023) [Recipient], Geiser, Christoph (1949-) [Recipient]
1983 bis 1984. - ca. 50 Br.masch., Dg., selten hs.
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Schweizerisches Literaturarchiv (SLA) ; Archiv ; Signatur: SLA-GO-1-d-02-DINK : Kasten 17
Dinkelmann, Fritz (Titel)
Gruppe Olten [Author], Dinkelmann, Fritz H. (1950-) [Recipient]
1992 bis 1998
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Schweizerisches Literaturarchiv (SLA) ; Signatur: SLA-WVA-A-4-aa : Kasten 247
Literarisches Lektorat; Allgemeine Korrespondenz A-F; 1968-1969, div. (Titel)
Stehlin, Peter (1940-) [Author], Ammann-Rebsamen, Rosa [Author], Berchtold, Frieda [Author], Erdmann, Xenia von [Author], Erhard, Otto [Author], Chilerowicz, Dora [Author], Corvol, Jean-Marie [Author], Coudenhove, Hans [Author], Dahms, Eberhard [Author], Delang, Kurt [Author], Deppert, Fritz [Author], Diederichs, Cornel (1930-) [Author], Flügel, Christoph (1938-) [Author], Fox, Barbara [Author], Baubaro, Paolo [Author], Naudin, Marie [Author], Freund, Lothar [Author], Flesch, Werner [Author], Erni, Franz Xaver (1927-) [Author], Erlei, Josef [Author], Erichson, Knut (1909-1991) [Author], End, Heinrich [Author], Dreyhaupt, Ursula [Author], Dorn, Fritz [Author], Dirks, Walter (1901-1991) [Author], Dinkelmann, Fritz H. (1950-) [Author], Dexter, Robert (1909-1988) [Author], Deinert, Wilhelm (1933-2012) [Author], Conrady, Karl Otto (1926-2020) [Author], Danner, Erich [Author], Alma, Bernharda [Author], Baerens, Marianne [Author], Eschler, Heidi [Author], Ackermann, Gisela (20. Jh.) [Author], Essl, Herbert [Author], Fekete, Gábor (1954-) [Author], Fontana, Mario [Author], Foihsner, Ingeborg [Author], Franck-Neumann, Anna [Author], Hoss, Herbert [Author], Bernatzik, Emmy [Author], Bayer, Traudl [Author], Beck, Felix D. [Author], Beyer, Lioba [Author], Egli, Marcel [Author], Bartöck, Bruno [Author], Baschnonga, Emil [Author], Böckl, Manfred L. (1948-) [Author], Didier, John [Author], Dietrich, Käthe [Author], Engelhardt, Elisabeth [Author], Engelmann, Klaus D. [Author], Droege, Heinrich [Author], Brändle, Alexander [Author], Borer, Elsbeth [Author], Boeckh, Joachim G. [Author], Bichsel, Hannes (1950-) [Author], Beckmann, Gerhard [Author], Beckerath, Erich von [Author], Baur, Margrit (1937-2017) [Author], Bauer, Franz [Author], Bappert, Walter [Author], Bänziger, Annemarie [Author], Bachmann, Guido (1940-2003) [Author], Babst, Claudius [Author], Appenzeller, Heinz (1914-) [Author], Andert, Edwina [Author], Amstutz-Eicher, Sylvia (20. Jh.) [Author], Afanasjew, Georg [Author], Ach, Manfred (1946-) [Author], Edel, Roger [Author], Angern, Horst [Author], Birke, Helga [Author], Bauer, W. Alexander [Author], Duvenkropp, Hedy [Author], Cahn, Jean-Paul [Author], Caltofen, Rodolfo (1895-1983) [Author], Carsten, Catarina (1920-2019) [Author], Castonier, Elisabeth [Author], Chabrier, Ursula [Author], Arcaria, Grazia [Author], Bloch, Peter [Author], Borges, Eugenio A. L. [Author], Böttcher, Lothar (1939-) [Author], Bovari, Margret A. [Author], Breuer, Wolfgang [Author], Bünter, Willy J. [Author], Daniels, Karlheinz [Author], Rast, Josef (1914-) [Author], Rosica Colin Ltd. [Author], The Dolmen Press Ltd. [Author], Geoffrey Chapman Ltd. [Author], Wilhelm Fink Verlag [Author], Suhrkamp Verlag (Zürich) [Author], Panorama Presse-Dienst [Author], Förderungsgemeinschaft der deutschen Kunst [Author], Éditions Gallimard [Author], Éditions Bernard Grasset [Author], Ebohaus [Author], Bilgerverlag; Diogenes-Verlag [Author], Dilia [Author], Aldus Books Limited [Author], Walter-Verlag [Author], Birke, Helga [Recipient], Bartöck, Bruno [Recipient], Beck, Felix D. [Recipient], Bernatzik, Emmy [Recipient], Beyer, Lioba [Recipient], Duvenkropp, Hedy [Recipient], Egger, Lotti [Recipient], Egli, Marcel [Recipient], Engelmann, Klaus D. [Recipient], Fontana, Mario [Recipient], Forster, Franz (20. Jh.) [Recipient], Franck-Neumann, Anna [Recipient], Ackermann, Gisela (20. Jh.) [Recipient], Alencar, Gertrude de [Recipient], Alma, Bernharda [Recipient], Ammann-Rebsamen, Rosa [Recipient], Angern, Horst [Recipient], Arcaria, Grazia [Recipient], Baschnonga, Emil [Recipient], Droege, Heinrich [Recipient], Dutli-Rutishauser, Maria (1903-1995) [Recipient], Ebert, Hans (1919-1988) [Recipient], Bänziger, Annemarie [Recipient], Babst, Claudius [Recipient], Baerens, Marianne [Recipient], Borges, Eugenio A. L. [Recipient], Boeckh, Joachim G. [Recipient], Böttcher, Lothar (1939-) [Recipient], Breuer, Wolfgang [Recipient], Bünter, Willy J. [Recipient], Eschler, Heidi [Recipient], Bauer, W. Alexander [Recipient], Dirks, Walter (1901-1991) [Recipient], Dinkelmann, Fritz H. (1950-) [Recipient], Deinert, Wilhelm (1933-2012) [Recipient], Daniels, Karlheinz [Recipient], Conrady, Karl Otto (1926-2020) [Recipient], Calgari, Guido (1905-1969) [Recipient], Brändle, Alexander [Recipient], Boerner, Hellmut [Recipient], Schnack, Elisabeth (1899-1992) [Recipient], Friebert, Stuart (1931-2020) [Recipient], Foihsner, Ingeborg [Recipient], Flesch, Werner [Recipient], Erni, Franz Xaver (1927-) [Recipient], Erlei, Josef [Recipient], Erichson, Knut (1909-1991) [Recipient], Dreyhaupt, Ursula [Recipient], Dorn, Fritz [Recipient], Bichsel, Hannes (1950-) [Recipient], Beckmann, Gerhard [Recipient], Beckerath, Erich von [Recipient], Bayer, Traudl [Recipient], Bauer, Franz [Recipient], Bappert, Walter [Recipient], Bachmann, Guido (1940-2003) [Recipient], Appenzeller, Heinz (1914-) [Recipient], Andert, Edwina [Recipient], Amstutz-Eicher, Sylvia (20. Jh.) [Recipient], Afanasjew, Georg [Recipient], Ach, Manfred (1946-) [Recipient], Feigenwinter, M. Elisabeth [Recipient], Fekete, Gábor (1954-) [Recipient], Diederichs, Cornel (1930-) [Recipient], Didier, John [Recipient], Dietrich, Käthe [Recipient], Bloch, Peter [Recipient], End, Heinrich [Recipient], Engelhardt, Elisabeth [Recipient], Erdmann, Xenia von [Recipient], Erhard, Otto [Recipient], Essl, Herbert [Recipient], Caltofen, Rodolfo (1895-1983) [Recipient], Carsten, Catarina (1920-2019) [Recipient], Castonier, Elisabeth [Recipient], Chabrier, Ursula [Recipient], Deppert, Fritz [Recipient], Chilerowicz, Dora [Recipient], Corvol, Jean-Marie [Recipient], Dahms, Eberhard [Recipient], Danner, Erich [Recipient], Delang, Kurt [Recipient], Rast, Josef (1914-) [Recipient], Stehlin, Peter (1940-) [Recipient], Éditions Denoël [Recipient], Éditions Bernard Grasset [Recipient], The Dolmen Press Ltd. [Recipient], Editoriale Fenaete [Recipient], Suhrkamp Verlag (Frankfurt am Main) [Recipient], Éditions Payot & Rivages [Recipient], Dilia [Recipient], Aufbau-Verlag [Recipient], Aldus Books Limited [Recipient], Albert-Bonniers-Förlag [Recipient], Walter-Verlag [Recipient]
1968 bis 1969. - ca. 350 Bl.
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Institut für Buchwissenschaft (Mainz) ; Rotbuch-Verlag ; Signatur: Rot 12.19
Brief von Gabriele Dietze von Rotbuch Verlag an Fritz H. Dinkelmann, 09.03.1982
Dietze, Gabriele (1951-) [Author], Rotbuch Verlag (1973-) [Author], Dinkelmann, Fritz H. [Recipient]
09.03.1982. - 1 Bl., 1 S.