
Bird, Richard M. (1938-2021)

Bird, Richard M. (1938-2021)(22.08.1938 – 09.06.2021)

Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Prof.

Persistenter Link Kalliope: , 11.11.1998, Letzte Änderung: 12.07.2021 LoC-NA

Beziehungen: University of New South Wales, Affiliation, [Adjunct Professor of the Australian School of Taxation and Business Law]Georgia State University, Affiliation, [Distinguished Visiting Professor of the Andrew Young School of Public Policy]Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, Affiliation, University of Toronto, Affiliation, Weltbank, Affiliation,

Biographische Hinweise:

Tätig an der Univ. of Montréal; Professor Emeritus of Economics; Adjunct Professor and Associate of the Inst. for Municipal Governance and Finance, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto; Chair of the Central Advisory Group of the new Internat. Centre for Tax and Development at the Institute for Development Studies, UK

Vollständiger Vorname: Richard Miller


Bird, Richard Miller (1938-2021) [Vollstaendiger Name]Bird, R. M. (1938-2021)Bird, Richard (1938-2021)

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