
Note added in proof Recent experiments on the Lambda Sigma-parity by Filthuth et al. in CERN seem to show that the group theoretical assumptions on the 'spurions' (or on the groundstate) made in the earlier papers on the non linear spinor theory [...] Archiv der Max-Planck-GesellschaftNachlass Werner HeisenbergSignatur: III/93/904/1-2


Note added in proofArchiv der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft ; Nachlass Werner Heisenberg

Signatur: III/93/904/1-2

Recent experiments on the Lambda Sigma-parity by Filthuth et al. in CERN seem to show that the group theoretical assumptions on the 'spurions' (or on the groundstate) made in the earlier papers on the non linear spinor theory [...]

o.D.. - 1 Bl. (1 masch. S.), Englisch. - Werk, Bericht

Bemerkung: Korrekturseite; Typoskript mit hs. Eintragungen

Objekteigenschaften: Handschrift

Pfad: Nachlass Werner Heisenberg / V. Werk / 904. V. Werk, 1. Manuskripte, eigene


Erfassung: 5. Oktober 2022 ; Modifikation: 24. April 2024 ; Synchronisierungsdatum: 2024-04-24T12:17:46+01:00