
McWhinney, Edward (1924-2015)

McWhinney, Edward (1924-2015)(19.05.1924, Sydney – 19.05.2015)

Jurist, Hochschullehrer, Politiker

Persistenter Link Kalliope: , 15.08.2002, Letzte Änderung: 14.07.2024 LCAuth ; Wikipedia ;

Beziehungen: Simon Fraser University, Affiliation, [Professor emeritus, Vancouver in Canada and an expert on the Canadian Constitution]Institut de droit international, Affiliation, [Past President]

Biographische Hinweise:

PhD, Yale University; Mitglied des kanadischen Unterhaus 1993-2000; Professorships at Yale, the Sorbonne, Toronto, McGill, Indiana, the Collège de France, and at the Meiji University in Tokyo


McWhinney, Edward Watson (1924-2015)McWhinney, E. (1924-2015)Mac Whinney, Edward (1924-2015)

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