Detailed Information

Schiller-Szinessy, Salomon M. (1820-1890)

Schiller-Szinessy, Salomon M. (1820-1890)

Persistenter Link Kalliope:, 11.08.1999, Last updated: 07.01.2024 LoC-NA

Biographical references:

formerly Rabbi of the entire Jewish community in Manchester


Szinessy, Salomon M. (1820-1890)Szinessy, Salomon Marcus Schiller- (1820-1890)Szinessy, S. M. Schiller- (1820-1890)Szinessy, Salomon M. Schiller- (1820-1890)Schiller, S. M. (1820-1890)Schiller, Salomon Marcus (1820-1890)Schiller, ... (1820-1890)Schiller, Salomon M. (1820-1890)Shelomoh ben Meʾir ben Shelomoh ben Menaḥem (1820-1890)Schiller-Szinessy, Salomon Marcus (1820-1890)Šĕlōmō ben Mēʾîr (1820-1890)

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